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Group coaching is for individuals that might like to have a small community of other individuals focus on the same transformative process. This can range from a small group with only 3 people up to 12. The other positive aspect of being in this social environment where everyone has the same focus is the interaction, the accountability, the sense of community, that such group forms.

In my experience working with diverse groups from all walks of life, is that no group is the same, each one has a different goal, direction, energy and even personality. Some focus on wealth and abundance, some on relationships, some on health, healing and well-being. Therefore it is important for the people in each up to be COHERENT and INTUNE with each other and in line with the same goal and destination. This creates unity, cohesiveness, passion, and true focus.

Therefore, the first goal of group coaching is to start with the end in mind (Step 1). This is important because we want each person in the group to travel and aim for the same direction. If we know what is the outcome that the group wants to achieve is easier to design a program to fit the end result. For this reason, each program is DESIGNED specifically designed and created from scratch for each individual group.

Once we know what is the end goal, we can focus on how to reverse engineer the process, starting with the end in mind (Step 2). This is no different from making a chocolate cake. Once we know what cake we want to make, we can look at the best ingredients we will need, the processes (the cooking methodology) we need to employ to get the best results. Only once we know that we want to holiday in Rome, Italy, we can then plan the step by step process to get there. As above, so below; as below so above. The universe, life, follows the same rules for creation and manifestation, been this making a cake, going on a trip or creating a new life.

Working on Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness or Relationships takes different approaches.

New lives are creating by implanting new habits, a new state of being, this requires actions been repeated until they become second nature, and until the end result has been achieved. To do this a group needs accountability and great communication.

The way I do this is by having group videos through Skype or Zoom, followed by tasks for the week and a weekly or fortnightly call.

Another aspect of the process is to distinguish what success means to each person in the group. How will the participant know that they have gotten closer to their ultimate goal? Therefore each goal should be S.M.A.R.T. which is an acronym for a goal that is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This is a way to gauge each participant’s progress and success, one micro-goal, and achievement at the time (Step 3).

Therefore I will ask questions like:

  • How will you know that you have achieved this goal?
  • How will you know that the problem or issue is solved?
  • Does this goal fit with her overall strategy and objectives?
  • And does it fit with the team’s objectives?

After we have done this we can have a group discussion and a one-on-one discussion on what is the current reality and which blockages are in the way of us achieving the ultimate goal (Step 4 and 5). Knowing our inner demons, challenges and lack can help us greatly with overcoming difficulties we could phase in our journey towards fulfillment and self-mastery. As each person in the group share with the group or with me personally, his/her current reality, the solution may start to emerge.

At this stage useful questions I ask are:

  • What is happening now (what, who, when, and how often) that is impeding your progress?
  • Is there any belif system that is limiting you from progressing further?
  • What is the effect or result of this?
  • Have you already taken any steps towards your goal?
  • Does this goal conflict with any other beliefs, goals or objectives?

The next step is to look for options and strategies to overcome these limitations (Step 6) this involve asking questions like:

  • What else could you do, to overcome these obstacles?
  • What if this or that constraint were removed, would that change my situation?
  • What do I need to stop doing in order to achieve this specific goal?
  • What obstacles stand in my way?

Once we know how each person has been self-sabotaging their progress in the past, and what strategy we can use to overcome them, the next step of the process is using the old pain of failure as leverage for our progress and success. Which is Step 7.

Questions like, the one below are asked:

  • What is the cost (to you, your life, your health, your relationships, etc…) of not progressing forward?
  • What will my life look like if nothing changed?
  • How will my life, your health, your relationships, look like in1, 3, 5, and 10 years if nothing changed?
  • etc…

we can review how to overcome these limitations and create a Buddy System, (Step 8) where each of us become accountable for our own transformation and become the client and coach to someone else in the group.

If the group was made of 5 people: John, Mary, Paul, Louise, and Clare. We could have John being Mary’s Coach, Mary being Paul’s Coach, Paul being Louise’s Coach, and Clare being John’s Coach. This adds to the level of accountability and helps individuals become more centered in the process of self-transformation. Helping others is the best way to help us. Most people’s life challenges in life have become the motivation, the drive for career choices. A young boy seeing his parent or sibling sick, made him want to become a doctor. A young girl being abuse and bully, made her want to be a nurse or a counseller, etc… Our greater challenges become our biggest drive and inspiration. This is because, at a deeper level, all of the people, places, things, times and events in our lives are designed to make us more unified, loving, and perfected.

This inner group accountability does not take away from the accountability session I will have with each individual.

Step 9 and 10 are all about making sure the participants keep on with the journey until the end, driven by the incredible life transformations and changes in one’s life!


    1.  Establish the End Goal and Desired Outcome
    2.  Reverse engineer the process to get you from where you are now to your destination
    3.  Create Micro-Goals and Success Milestones which are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound
    4.  Decide the best way to communicate and how to measure progress, results and accountability targets
    5.  Examine the Current Reality to unveil potential obstacles
    6.  Unveil limited sub-conscious and conscious beliefs and behaviors
    7.  Discover potential options and strategies to use based on the person’s challanges
    8.  Use “Pain and Failure” as leverage for transformative change
    9.  Become accountable for your self-transformation within the group
    10.  Re-engage participant that have lost focus and interest
    11.  Re-enforce and celebrate the small and greater wins and success



An investment of $997 is required to join per person. Minimum 3 people. A 30 minutes conversation can be booked to discuss creating such a group.

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